Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Website Modifications

This morning I got an email from our dealer in Calgary about the twitter page he has set up for Sierra Stone.  I had completely forgotten about that, but now a link to it has been added to our homepage as well.  I'll add a link to the other pages shortly, but it will take a little time.  The main problem with updating our website continually is that it was created using Microsoft Notepad back in the 90's, and that means that I have to edit each page individually by copying and pasting in the new code.  Now they have new scrips like PHP which allow you to use a standard template for the site so you can edit all the pages in each step.  At this point that would be nice since we've got 8+ pages for me to edit.

In addition, I'll be making the following changes to the website over the next while:

  1. add a sample of our Grey Blend stone color to the Sierra Stone colors page
  2. setup slide shows on our colors and pictures pages so the images are larger 
  3. add downloadable MSDS sheets for safety
  4. add a separate page for downloading brochures and viewing our YouTube videos
  5. adding a link to this blog to our pages
I'll probably do more than that, but it's a start.  I also have to add EnduraFlake Floors and RubberStone Mats to our website soon.  I guess I'd better get started, but if you have any ideas for the site please feel free to email them to me!

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